Keyword Research

This service uncovers the language your audience uses and provides actionable insights to guide your content strategy and, ultimately, your SEO strategy.

The Keyword Research service is a thorough examination of what your target audience is searching for online. It's the key to unlocking their needs, the language they use, and ultimately, how you can answer their queries better than anyone else.

Delve deep into the world of your customers' searches and uncover the key(word)s to create content that will truly connect.

A solid Keyword Research is the perfect service for you if:

  • You want to create content that resonates with your audience

  • You're not sure what keywords to focus on for your SEO efforts

  • You need help understanding what your audience is looking for

  • You want to identify opportunities that your competitors may have missed

If any of these sound familiar, you’re in the right place. 😉 Here’s what you can do next:

What can the Keyword Research service look like for your business?

The Keyword Research service uncovers the exact terms your audience uses when they're looking for the solutions you provide.

This process also illuminates the behaviour of Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) for each keyword. With this knowledge, you can stay ahead of the game by understanding and exploiting new features that search engines incorporate into their result pages.

Meticulous keyword exploration

Beginning with a focused analysis of your website, your business, and your goals, I extend this investigation to your main competitors’ websites. This dual-focus approach helps to reveal any gaps in your content and uncovers hidden opportunities for growth.

My keyword research is an in-depth exploration that aims to understand the nuanced language your audience uses when searching for solutions to their problems. This level of detail allows us to align your offerings with your audience's search behaviour, creating a resonance that attracts potential customers and meets them right at the point of their needs.

Categorised and prioritised keyword list

Keywords are more than just a list of terms. I organise keywords into distinct categories that align with your existing or developing content pillars. Each keyword is prioritised based on its potential return on investment, thereby giving you a roadmap of where to focus your efforts for maximum impact.

The result? A clear path showing which keywords to focus on first, and the type of content you should create to target them effectively.

Actionable insights with the Keyword Explorer

Navigating through massive amounts of keyword data should not be a daunting task. That's why I developed the Keyword Explorer tool. It distills thousands of rows and tens of columns of data into manageable, actionable insights.

This unique feature simplifies the complex process of keyword analysis, equipping your content creators to navigate and prioritise keyword strategies with ease. This tool is included as part of the deliverables for this service.

Multilingual Keyword Research

Operating in a global marketplace means understanding and reaching your audience in their own language. I offer a specialized multilingual Keyword Research service in English, French and German, not just translating keywords but performing a complete, in-depth research tailored to each language and market.

I meticulously dissect the nuances, regional trends, and cultural differences that influence search behaviours in different languages. This service offers a competitive edge, as it goes beyond language barriers and connects with international audiences on a deeper level. It allows you to expand your digital footprint and optimise your content for various markets around the world.

Going Beyond Borders: Multilingual Keyword Research

When it comes to multilingual SEO, a simple translation of your existing keywords won’t do the trick. That's why I offer multilingual keyword research in English, French and German that is not merely a translation of existing keywords but an in-depth exploration tailored to each language and market. This helps your business resonate with different demographics and geographic areas, and significantly improve your international SEO.

When expanding to new markets, understanding the specific search behaviour and terms used in those regions will give your business a competitive edge. With multilingual keyword research, you will gain a better understanding of your international audience and create content that resonates with them on a deeper level. This is not only about language, but also about understanding cultural nuances, regional trends, and local search behaviours.

The Power of Exploration: Your Personal Keyword Explorer Tool

Keyword research is more than just creating a list; it's about understanding and leveraging the data to create high-performing content. With my unique Keyword Explorer tool, you can interact with the keyword data, dive deeper into the analytics, and gain valuable insights that drive your content strategy.

Designed to be user-friendly, it takes the complexity out of keyword data and delivers insights in a way that's easy to understand and act on. This is a critical selling point, especially when communicating keyword research to copywriters and content teams.

Contextual Keyword Research: Adaptable to Your Needs

Keyword research is a powerful tool that can benefit all sorts of businesses.

  • For businesses operating across multiple countries, keyword research is crucial to understand the search behaviour of different audiences and to optimise your content accordingly to boost your international SEO strategy.

  • If you're a local business, keyword research can help you identify location-specific terms that your potential customers are using, enabling you to improve your visibility in local search results.

  • Keyword research can help e-commerce businesses optimise their product pages and descriptions, guiding potential customers to their products and improving visibility on search engines.

  • If your website is primarily for lead generation, keyword research can help you identify the terms that are most likely to convert and can guide the creation of content that attracts high-quality leads.

Every business has unique SEO needs and goals. My approach to keyword research is always tailored, offering in-depth insights and tools that will serve your specific objectives.


Typically, a Keyword Research project takes me less than 2 weeks to complete.

My schedule is often booked weeks if not months in advance, so make sure to enquire as early as possible!


Following our initial discussion, I'll send you a personalised proposal detailing the precise cost for your specific needs. Transparency and value are what you can look forward to.

The Keyword Research service usually comes at around 1700 €.


The Keyword Research service includes the prioritised and categorised keyword list, packed in a handy Notion document with all the relevant documentation, and access to your custom-built Keyword Explorer tool. You can easily share this dashboard with your team and download all the necessary elements.

Enquire today!

Ready to find the keywords that will connect you with your audience? Let's dive deep into your customer's search world.

What my clients have to say


  • Boosted Visibility & Relevant Traffic: My strategies aim to improve your rankings on search engine results pages, increasing your online visibility and drawing in traffic that's genuinely interested in your offerings.

    Increased Trust & User Experience: A high ranking not only increases your brand's credibility, but a vital part of my SEO strategy is enhancing user experience on your site, leading to improved engagement.

    Cost-Effectiveness & Competitive Advantage: My SEO strategies, while requiring upfront effort, offer lasting results that contribute to continuous traffic without ongoing advertising costs. Plus, they're designed to give you an edge over your competitors in the digital space.

    Higher Conversion Rates: An optimised website doesn't just attract more traffic—it boosts conversion rates by providing a navigable, quick-loading site with valuable content.

  • Keyword research is a foundational step in a comprehensive SEO strategy. It informs and directs all other aspects, including on-page SEO, content creation, link building, and more. Once we understand what your audience is searching for, we can optimise your website and create a content strategy that caters to these specific needs. Over time, this leads to improved search rankings, increased organic traffic, and better conversion rates. Additionally, the insights gleaned from keyword research can also guide other campaigns, making your overall digital marketing strategy more effective.

  • Having a list of keywords is a good start, but understanding how these keywords are used, their search volume, their competitive landscape and how search engines provide results for these queries can give you a significant advantage. My service goes beyond generating a list of keywords. I conduct comprehensive research and analysis to uncover the most effective keywords for your business, and I also provide detailed guidance on how to use these insights to boost your visibility and conversions.

  • I spend time understanding your business, your unique offerings, and your audience's needs. This deep dive allows me to uncover the language and search terms your audience uses when looking for solutions that you provide. So, you can rest assured that the keywords I recommend are not only relevant but also effective in connecting you with your target audience.

  • Absolutely! The Keyword Explorer tool is designed to simplify and visualise keyword data, making it easier for you to understand and act upon. I provide full guidance and support to help you make the most of it.

  • SEO and user search behavior are not static; they evolve over time. Therefore, it's important to regularly revisit and update your keywords. While there's no fixed timeline, a good rule of thumb is to review your keywords every six months or whenever there are significant changes in your business or market.